Everyone of us is a perfect piece of a marvellous whole. Seemingly paradoxically, the way to connect with and play our intended role in that whole, is by turning our awareness inside. My work is for a world where more people wake up to their inner interconnected reality, in-stead of inventing separated, fake alternative ones.
Society today is oriented towards constructing an outer perfection, whilst ignoring the per-fection that already lies inside each of us. Thus, we accomplish certain things but with deadly unintended costs. We poison our planet. We create a lot of injustice and unbalance. Our solutions to present problems cause numerous future problems. We think that we have to “make” the success but we forget that we live in a Successful Universe. Let’s reverse the paradigm. Realise that we just have to remove the dust from the real Success, just as Mi-chelangelo removed the extra stone that surrounded ‘David’, whom he already saw hidden in the marble:
“In every block of marble I see a statue as plain as though it stood before me, shaped and perfect in attitude and action. I have only to hew away the rough walls that imprison the lovely appari-tion to reveal it to the other eyes as mine see it.” ~ Michelangelo
First, we need to flip our perspective away from searching outwardly, and towards discover-ies within. This step is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance, but it certainly can’t be completed during a weekend self-development course. It’s a continuous path which gradually unfolds. But, knowing the destination is deep inside of us is significant and helps a lot. In this sense, we are at least heading towards the true source and not away from it.
Personal evolution then mirrors mysteriously into global evolution due to our interconnect-ed nature. My happiness and fulfilment are continuously enriched by other people’s visions and inner realisations. Each of us, a multidimensional puzzle piece, contributes to the big Whole: a complex reality of a bewildering and gigantic Hologram of Creation.
I hope that especially in this time of terrible challenges, many will dare to follow the path of inner transformation with great spiritual integral success!