It is not easy to pigeonhole Advaitananda. A man with a great variety of life experience and skills, he is an educated scientist, an advanced spiritual practitioner and teacher of yoga, tantra and meditation for the last thirty years.

His skilful bridging of these two worlds – cutting-edge scientific discoveries with esoteric teachings and methodology – has given birth to an array of projects over the years, all nourished by his deep aspiration to support personal, societal and even global spiritual evolution.

Here you can read about some of his most significant and current ventures.


Institute for Quantum Transformation

The Institute exists to empower those who are ready to go beyond the ordinary limits of the consciousness and tap into the superior wisdom of the heart, by offering systematic, proven techniques for utilising universal laws for the benefit of all, constantly shifting paradigms and upgrading perspectives in all areas of life.


Awakening Masculinity

Being a man, and finding our purpose in the world as men today, proves to be more complex than most are ready to acknowledge. Fortunately, the core principles of true masculinity are immortal and unchanging, and await discovery by anyone who seeks them.


Meditation Course

Human consciousness is endowed with amazing tools, but we need to learn how to use them so that they will not disrupt our inner peace or distort our perception of reality. Methods of improving the power of concentration, as the key practices in this regard, cannot be overemphasised.


Esoteric Tantra Yoga Course

The Esoteric Tantra Yoga Course invites all who dare on a fascinating journey of spiritual evolution and exploration, delving deep into ancient esoteric knowledge that addresses today’s real world experience, and covers life-encompassing subjects.


Advanced Education –
Teachers’ trainings

Benjamin Whichcote aptly said, “There is no better way to learn than to teach.” For many dedicated and passionate practitioners, choosing to guide and teach others reveals itself to be a natural step that also helps deepen their own practice.