
About Advaitananda

An educated scientist, advanced spiritual practitioner and teacher of Yoga, Tantra and Meditation, Advaitananda’s story is intricate and nuanced. Through a lifetime of intense academic study, daily spiritual practice and self-enquiry, Advaitananda discovered how spiritual systems actually offer unexpected yet ingenious, complete and sustainable solutions to the common problems we face today – solutions that he wishes to share through his projects and writings.

One of his most valued contributions to the spiritual landscape of learning is his skillful bridging of cutting-edge scientific principles with esoteric teachings and methodologies, offering practical solutions for the modern-day person. At a time of shifting global consciousness, where people are being called to move away from materialism in search of genuine spirituality, Advaitananda offers invaluable perspectives and insights that can support both personal and global spiritual advancement.

Ava’s vision

Inside every person is the same quality of the unique “I”, that is also at the centre of the universe. A common ineffable but tangible thread unites us all, inextricably joining us as one, of the same original Source. Yet, since childhood, we are taught to live based on our differences and separations from each other, to look outwards, away from the centre where this oneness is experienced.

From the first day of our lives, our consciousness is moulded by a furiously prominent frame that encourages us to judge our success by comparing ourselves with others. So that, by the time we reach adulthood, we find ourselves working so hard, in a forgetful frenzy, to build up a perfect external environment in which we believe we will finally feel happy and fulfilled. It’s “forgetful” because we lose sight of the most important ingredient: the “I”, the Center.

We can begin to intuit the deeper meaning of this by contemplating the famous tale of Columbus’ Egg. Whilst he did indeed make the egg stand upright, it came at the cost of a dramatic compromise: Columbus chose to deform the egg in order to make it stand. Its natural and perfect ovoid shape had to be smashed in order for his solution to work. And likewise, people corrupt or degrade essential parts of themselves and their lives in order to grasp a sliver of success.

Consider that the egg was created in such a way that it can stay upright by itself, but only with the correct impulse. If you break it in order to make this happen, it is a clumsy and incomplete solution which only gives the illusion of success. The egg may appear vertical but it is stiff, spoiled and hollow. A dead, inert apparition of verticality that comes with an unavoidable deterioration of the egg’s previously perfect and complete form.

We are designed with an innate verticality inside – a natural tendency towards perfection. But notably, it calls for a certain dynamism that can be represented by the analogy of a spinning-top children’s toy. The faster the top spins, the stronger its inclination to remain vertical.

In this analogy, the speed with which the top spins corresponds with the human’s capacity to live their life experiences with a certain inner intensity. This implies a deep awareness in each action, and not an outer intensity of excess. Our inner experience creates what we call “our life”.

From where does your happiness spring? Where is your success felt? Where does the love you feel come from? The answer is that it all flows from the core of your existence, not from somebody (or something) else. The human being contains everything inside, so it is there that one should search.

My approach springs from an integral holistic vision. A radically holistic one, I might say, since the term is so often used in a partial or linear manner.

Everyone of us is a perfect piece of a marvellous whole.

Seemingly paradoxically, the way to connect with and play our intended role in that whole, is by turning our awareness inside. My work is for a world where more people wake up to their inner interconnected reality, instead of inventing separated, fake alternative ones.

Society today is oriented towards constructing an outer perfection, whilst ignoring the perfection that already lies inside each of us. Thus, we accomplish certain things but with deadly unintended costs. We poison our planet. We create a lot of injustice and unbalance. Our solutions to present problems cause numerous future problems. We think that we have to “make” the success but we forget that we live in a Successful Universe.

Let’s reverse the paradigm. Realise that we just have to remove the dust from the real Success, just as Michelangelo removed the extra stone that surrounded ‘David’, whom he already saw hidden in the marble:

In every block of marble I see a statue as plain as though it stood before me, shaped and perfect in attitude and action. I have only to hew away the rough walls that imprison the lovely apparition to reveal it to the other eyes as mine see it.” ~ Michelangelo

First, we need to flip our perspective away from searching outwardly, and towards discoveries within. This step is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance, but it certainly can’t be completed during a weekend self-development course. It’s a continuous path which gradually unfolds. But, knowing the destination is deep inside of us is significant and helps a lot. In this sense, we are at least heading towards the true source and not away from it.

Personal evolution then mirrors mysteriously into global evolution due to our interconnected nature. My happiness and fulfilment are continuously enriched by other people’s visions and inner realisations. Each of us, a multidimensional puzzle piece, contributes to the big Whole: a complex reality of a bewildering and gigantic Hologram of Creation.

I hope that especially in this time of terrible challenges, many will dare to follow the path of inner transformation with great spiritual integral success!

Ava’s Story

As a young man, Advaitananda’s thirst for truth brought him into contact with Gregorian Bivolaru (Grieg), the man who was to become his spiritual guide. Grieg is the founder of MISA, a spiritual school acknowledged by scholars as the biggest esoteric movement in the world today.

As an educated scientist, Advaitananda’s sceptical nature was challenged by the obvious transformations and results of the yoga and meditation practice. He has, however, been steadfastly following Grieg’s guidance for more than 30 years, with spectacular results through personal, experimental validation.

Advaitananda has a masters degree in nuclear physics, and worked in scientific research and artificial intelligence for many years. He is also a prolific proponent of current socio-political issues, and has introduced some fundamental concepts that can shape a broader understanding of human rights: spiritual human rights, soul ecology, and consciousness hygiene. He spent several years at the European Parliament in Brussels and Strasbourg as an advisor to several high-ranked politicians.

Advaitananda has been together with his beloved wife, Adina, for almost 30 years, forming an inspiring tantric couple that has been a source of inspiration for many around the world through the various projects, courses and events they have taught together. It is clear to see through their inspiring work and vivacious spirit that they have cracked the code to everlasting attraction and love, helping others to discover the same by regularly holding retreats and seminars on the subject of the tantric relationship.

Advaitananda lectures at retreats and conferences throughout the world, including the Science & Consciousness conference, international yoga congresses, meditation retreats, festivals and more.

He has written several books, produced DVDs on many spiritual subjects, and continues to produce material for others to learn through his own experiences.

When Advaitananda is not holding seminars and retreats, counselling couples and coordinating projects, his greatest happiness is to retreat in deep meditation and profound contemplation. The silence found therein offers a haven for all the inspirations and works to come…

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For those wanting lazer sharp insight in order to make a breakthrough, Advaitananda offers private consultation sessions to individuals, couples, and businesses.